To Victoria

Issuma docked in Victoria, British Columbia

From Barkley Sound, I had a pleasant sail to near Victoria. Late in the day, the current was starting to turn against me, so I anchored in nearby Becher Bay for the night. I actually anchored four times, as the anchor kept breaking out of the soft mud and kelp that was on the bottom. Trusting to the anchor alarm and decreasing winds, I had a good sleep.

Issuma anchored in Campbell Cove, Becher Bay, Vancouver Island

Some thoughtful people who live on Becher Bay saw Issuma anchored, took the above picture, looked Issuma up on the internet and emailed me, which was really nice of them. My cellular internet access was even working for a change so I received their email at anchor.


Late in the morning, when the current turned in my favor, I sailed off the anchor, out of the bay, around Race Rocks to Victoria harbor, then motored onto the dock. I had quite light winds to start with, and it took a while to get around Race Rocks. There is a shortcut between Race Rocks and Vancouver Island that I could have taken, but the currents are fast, its not all that wide, I’ve never been here before and the sane thing to do when sailing a schooner singlehanded is to take wide-open, deepwater routes whenever possible.

Race Rocks


The Future:
I have had a fantastic time sailing Issuma the last few years. Now I want to do something different, and go back to working (I do computer work for a living). So I don’t expect to be sailing far from here in the near future. I don’t expect to be making frequent blog entries until my next adventure (which has not been decided on), so if you’re interested in following along, you may want use the Subscribe menu at the top of the blog so you will be emailed whenever there is a new entry.

17 thoughts on “To Victoria

  1. the good thing about having a distinctive vessel with an unusual name AND a blog is that people CAN email you pix. good luck with the shore life.

  2. It’s been really exciting following your extraordinary journey.
    We enjoyed it very much.
    Hope to see you soon in Vancouver, Toronto or somewhere.

  3. While riding to work this morning I saw your masts tops from the street and knew it was your beautiful boat, had followed you on sail blogs. Finally summer in Victoria.

  4. Thanks, Will. It also helps to accidentally order lettering for the name way too big so that people can actually see the name of the boat from a distance :)

  5. Well, its been a long voyage and the end of it is just now (for now). You have been giving us good feedback of you journey and good description of places visited. Many dramas resounded your crossing Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska last year As I can see it we all enjoyed immensely your achievements in sailing and every day care of your boat, navigation and all other perilous situations that lead you to Victoria with the Victory. At least I will miss many of your outstanding pictures of places visited and I am sure you will not stay at least from your day sailing to nearby places.
    Cheers to you.

  6. Richard:

    Congratulations on a long haul made good. Your skill and relatively wise choices made a success out of what many would see as a hair-raising adventure. Many of us watched and waited with bated breath to learn the outcomes of your passages. Well done, skipper!! It’s been a great joy to follow along. Many thanks.

  7. with the work you made on the bowsprit, the boat looks like getting shortened tusks! :)



  8. Hello Richard,
    My friends and I enjoyed your presentation at the Marine Museum on Saturday. Your narrative about your adventures had during the past three years was captivating. It made it all the more realistic when I saw your boat moored in the harbour this evening. Thank you!

  9. Thanks for sharing this post and the awesome pictures. The story of your journey is truly captivating. It is adventures like these that make sailing that much more popular among the up and coming generations.

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